domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

E-mails Falsos: mais alguns!

E a nossa listinha só aumentando...
Então aí vai mais alguns para você ficar alerta:

"Hello Aupair,
My Name is Engr.Lucas Scott an IT Professional resident in United Kingdom.
My contact address is 30,Church St Billinghay,
Lincolnshire, LN3 2HN,
United Kingdom.
I work for a communications company in united state of America and am on call one week per month. My wife on the other hand will have varying work hours, but would be very considerate to your time as well. i just came back home from united state of America to spend some time with my family and i need an aupair before i went back.And my wife for the past year She have been a full-time student and mom, and have just recently graduated. She has just returned back to full-time work and feel as though my children would be best served by having a nanny or an aupair. We are looking for someone that we can treat as part of our family/friend and not just as a nanny/aupair. My wife and I are easy to get along with you, want to make you feel comfortable and at home and easy going, and down to earth.
The nature of my work makes me so busy and raising the kids as a parents is quite difficult. I will strongly need the services of an aupair. Like i said earlier i am a parent with two kids, their ages are 3 and 5 yrs and their names are nicole she is 3 years old and simon is 5 years old respectively. They are nice and respectful kids.
Facilities are made avaible to take them to school in the morning and back from school, also a cook is present in the house to make the meals at all times and a guest room is prepared for your arrival. I will be paying 800 pounds for every four weeks and a pocket money of 150 pounds per week for the buying of some things for your self .We would like our au pair/nanny to be a comfortable care giving partner/companion/sister who is caring, flexible, and will have fun with our family. Since my wife and I will not around until weekends, I would also love our au pair to go shopping with us, go out to eat with us, go to the movies with us, participate in family events, go on trips with us (we love going to amusement parks), share holidays with us, etc.--become a part of our family. We really want someone who will proactively talk, sing, laugh, interact, engage with the kids

And the working hour is just 7 hours per day and your responsibility in my house is just to take care of my Kids, them on shopping, taking them to the school bus will pick them up from which is just 2 km ahead from home. And also you have a private room bathroom toilet, TV personal Computer and also if you wish to be having free period from 5 pm to 6 pm is acceptable We are looking forward to the opportunity of meeting you and having you become a part of our happy family.

Engr.Lucas Scott
Thank you for your co-operation and time, it is really appreciated. "

"Dear Au pair,

I am Mrs Lizzy,I am located In United Kingdom(Manchester city) am happily married and blessed with 2 kids. My husband's name is Joe who is a Scientist/researcher, names of my kids are Smith 3 years and Jennifa 5 years.
My kids are very intelligent and very cool.
I am a Accountant who works alot in other to achieve my objective in life. I am writing you this letter to know if you are willing to come to UK and take up an offer as aupair in my family,We live in a big House in the City. We are the owner our house which is duplex and as soon as you are taking up this offer we shall give you a room which you will have access to Internet,Television and car.
I will appreciate someone who is honest,trustworthy and understanding.
I will be expecting to have your response on how we shall proceed with you to come and leave with my family in UK.

Many Thanks,

Mrs Lizzy..."

Hello there,
My name is Eng. Deborah Cole 36 Years Old & I am a single parent to 2 children currently named Mark and nicole i live United kingdom in 1000 Woodbine road lancashire. We are an easy going fun family with a fairly hectic lifestyle! I work full time and the children have a full set of activities they enjoy. I have a very loving family & will welcome the right candidate & make them feel very welcome in my house. I am seeking an Au Pair who is honest, reliable, kind & considerate. I would like some English to be spoken, but am happy to provide & pay for an English course for the successful applicant! I am looking for someone to join our family and help take some of the day to day pressure off me so that we can all enjoy the good things of family life. As a family we enjoy barbecue (weather permitting), socializing, generally having fun, reading, computers, TV, the boys love computer games and my daughter arts & crafts. Food is another great love of ours - given the time I enjoy cooking. We are practicing Catholics but accept and respect others beliefs,Care for 2 children (4 yr old & 6 yr old) from 7 am - school at 8:45. Walk the children to school and pick them up again at 3:15. care for the children from 3:15 - approx 6:30 including feeding them we will like to pay you 950pounds every month end for salaries and 250 pounds for your pocket fees every week end. Additionally take them to various after school activities - ballet, tap, jujitsu, brownies etc. 2 eves a week babysitting (average) occasional overnight care of the children when I have to travel for work. Care for the children in school holidays. Light housework - mainly keeping the kitchen and living room clutter free ! If you feel you could be happy in our family please let me know. Please ld like the suitable applicant to start by the ending of febuary or first week march, & preferably stay for between 6-12 months.i hope to hear from you soon."

"Dear Au Pair,

You are warmly welcome to live with us !

From spring to autumn we are a loving family. PLEASE ONLY APPLY if you're really interested in living completely loving, wondeful and adventrous family.

We would like you to care for our children for about 20-30 hours a week.
If you want you can help us in the household but it's not really necessary. Your main task should be to spend time with the children and take care of them.
We expect that you're patient, openminded and of good sense of humor and love children.

If you want you can of course join our trips to see some culture or visit some animal or entertainment parks or other events.

You will be living with will have your private room which will have bathroom,toilet,television,air-conditional.You will have access to the internet and the telephone at home to get intouch with your friends and loved ones.

About us:
* He (41 Anderson) plays drums in a pop-band (so if you play an instrument you will always find someone around us making some noise ;)
* She (36 Michelle) works in a marketing-agency (and gets you cheap tickets for cinema and concerts)...
* He (5 Joyce) loves playing in the garden
* She (3 Dan) loves playing with her babydolls

Preparing the children for school
Taking and collecting the children to and from school
Looking after the children
Helping with homework
Cooking lunch and dinner
Light cleaning

We can offer you 200 pounds per week plus insurance and two rooms for your own (a 25m living room with tv and a computer and a 15m bedroom). You can use a car (after we learned to know your driving skills ;) There will be plenty of free time for you to enjoy London and also make new friends and learn the English

Our last au-pair-girl still visits us and tells us that she enjoyed her stay (so we guess it can't be soooo bad to be part of our crazy family ;)

We would love to hear from you soon!


Michelle Edward"

Agora chega!!!! Ou meu blog só vai servir para denunciar esses pilantras!

O ABC do Programa Au Pair - 18ª parte (ÚLTIMA PARTE)


Bagagem Despachada
A bagagem despachada é a bagagem que vai no porão do avião. Para bagagens despachadas no porão, cada passageiro adulto tem direito a até 2 malas com peso total somado de 23 kg, conforme a alínea b do artigo 37 da Portaria 676 de 13 de novembro de 2000 do Departamento de Aviação Civil (DAC).
Ressalte-se que a franquia de bagagem não pode ser usada para o transporte de animais vivos.
A bagagem que exceder o permitido será considerada excesso, sendo cobrado 0,5% da tarifa econômica normal do trecho, por kg em excesso e poderá ser despachada como carga desacompanhada em um próximo vôo.
Excessos acima de 70 kg deverão ser transportados como Cargas com procedimento próprio, sendo proibido o transporte a título de bagagem.
Deve-se transportar objetos de metal e que podem causar danos pela ação de um gume ou uma ponta, tais como facas, pinças, tesouras, estiletes, canivetes, navalhas, cortadores de unha, abridores de envelope e objetos similares na bagagem despachada. Estes objetos não podem ser transportados pela bagagem de mão.

Bagagens de Mão
A bagagem de mão é a bagagem não despachada que você leva, livre de pagamento de tarifa ou de frete.
Guardar e conduzir a bagagem de mão é sua responsabilidade.
O artigo 42 da Portaria 676 do DAC (Departamento de Aviação Civil) diz que até 5 kg são permitidos para a bagagem de mão. Além disso, a soma de suas dimensões (comprimento + largura + altura) não poderá ser superior a 115 centímetros.
O ideal é que a bagagem de mão seja utilizada para o transporte de dinheiro, papéis negociáveis, seus documentos, equipamentos eletrônicos e acessórios (celulares desligados né, máquinas fotográficas, laptops, palms, walkmans, filmadora etc.), remédios, chaves etc.
Enfim, leve aqui todo e qualquer objeto frágil, importante ou de valor sentimental, obedecendo sempre à limitação de peso e volume.
ATENÇÃO: as empresas não assumem qualquer responsabilidade por eventuais perdas ou danos resultantes, de qualquer natureza, à bagagem despachada do passageiro que contenha objetos cortantes.

Bagagens Gratuitas
Além da bagagem de mão, é autorizado o transporte de volumes adicionais :
a) livros e revistas para leitura a bordo;
b) 01 sobretudo, capa de chuva, manta ou casaco de uso pessoal;
c) 01 guarda-chuva ou bengala;
d) 01 bolsa ou mochila com artigos pessoais;

Objetos que você não pode levar:
De acordo com o artigo 48 da Portaria 676 do DAC (Departamento de Aviação Civil), a bagagem de mão ou a despachada não poderá conter os seguintes itens:
a) dispositivos de alarme;
b) explosivos, inclusive cartuchos vazios, munições, material pirotécnico, armas de caça, armas portáteis e fogos de artifício;
c) gases (inflamáveis, não inflamáveis e venenosos), tais como butano, oxigênio, propano e cilindros de oxigênio;
d) líquidos inflamáveis usados como combustível para isqueiros, aquecimento ou outras aplicações;
e) sólidos inflamáveis, tais como fósforo e artigos de fácil ignição;
f) substância de combustão espontânea;
g) substância que, em contato com a água, emita gases inflamáveis;
h) materiais oxidantes, tais como pó de cal, descorantes químicos e peróxidos;
i) substâncias venenosas (tóxicas) e infecciosas, tais como arsênio, cianidas, inseticidas e desfolhantes;
j) materiais radioativos;
l) materiais corrosivos, tais como mercúrio, ácidos, alcalóides e baterias com líquido corrosivo;
m) materiais magnéticos; e
n) agentes biológicos, tais como bactérias e vírus.

Você responde pelos danos que vier a causar ao transportador aéreo ou a qualquer outra pessoa por carregar qualquer coisa dessas citadas.

Bagagens sujeitas à aprovação
As Empresas Aéreas podem se recusar a transportar determinadas bagagens, se em virtude do peso, tamanho e espécie de bagagem, a mesma ser considerada perigosa, inconveniente ou imprópria para o transporte na aeronave. Neste caso, sujeitam-se à aprovação certos instrumentos musicais, objetos de arte (estátuas, quadros, esculturas etc.) e outros.
Artigos frágeis ou perecíveis estão sujeitos à aprovação para serem aceitos como bagagem. Apenas serão aceitos como bagagem se estiverem devida e adequadamente embaladas
Consulte antes a empresa que fará seu vôo caso reste alguma dúvida.

Atrasos ou Danos
Em caso de violação, danos, extravio, ou qualquer anormalidade com a bagagem ou com objetos esquecidos na aeronave, você deverá procurar os atendentes da empresa antes de deixar a sala de desembarque.
Se você sair da sala eles entenderão que você verificou sua bagagem e que não percebeu nada de errado.

Recomendações e Orientações
Procure não transportar objetos frágeis e perecíveis na sua bagagem.
Identifique a sua bagagem interna e externamente por meio de adesivos, fitinhas e etiquetas com seu nome e endereço.
Não transporte bagagem que não seja de sua propriedade ou que desconheça o seu conteúdo.
Enquanto permanecer no terminal de passageiros, mantenha a bagagem por perto.
Procure consultar a empresa previamente se desejar embarcar artigos frágeis ou perecíveis, e animais.
Certifique-se de não deixar nenhuma bagagem de mão ou objeto pessoal na aeronave no momento do desembarque."

Depois de uma série desta, só basta desejar a todos uma boa viagem!!!