sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2008

O ABC do Programa Au Pair - 15ª parte


Numa conversa com a possível host family você terá que negociar. Pergunte em primeiro lugar sobre o trabalho e sobre o que você considera essencial. Não vá pensando que eles mudarão de idéia com seu jeitinho angelical.
Por mais que você seja responsável e tudo mais; se eles colocarem alguma exigência aqui, lá será assim sim.
Você não quer ou não se sente bem com curfew, então negocie, explique suas razões e espere que eles entendam!
Aqui existem algumas perguntas prontas para "conduzir" a conversa, mas no fundo mesmo, você terá que levá-la depois de um tempo e decidir o que é melhor. Só CTRL+C e CTRL+V não vão te dar uma família legal!

DICAS: Se não entender, dá-lhe um "Can you repeat or rephrase it, please? Speak a little more slowly please." Caso seja algo escrito que você não entendeu é só procurar um belo e velho dicionário!!

Para tudo se dá um jeito, basta querer!

:: Sobre a Au Pair ::
- Why are you interested in getting an au pair?
- What qualities do you find important in an au pair?
- What do you expect from an au pair?
- Have you had au pairs before? If yes, is she living with you yet?
- Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her e-mail?
- Would you expect me to be with you as part of the family, joining dinners, trips, and things like these?

:: Sobre as kids ::
- How many kids do you have?
- What are their names? How old are they?
- What are they like?
- What are their favorite games and toys?
- What do they like to eat?
- What things are there to do with children, in your city?
- What do they like to do outdoors?

:: Sobre a Família ::
- What is your religion? Do you usually go to church or something like this?
- What do you like to eat daily?
- Where do you work? What do you do?
- Do you work full or part time?
- What's your city like?
- What do you usually do on your free time as a family? And on vacation?

:: Sobre o trabalho da Au Pair ::
- What are my responsibilities with each kid?
- What would be my schedule?
- Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
- What kind of activities would you like me to do with your children?
- Will I have access to Internet when I'm not working? Do I have to bring my own computer?
- What time can I get home during the week and on the weekend? - Would I have a curfew?
- I also would like to know if you can give me a list with all au pair's duties and what the kids need or if you help me in the beginning?
- Will I be allowed to use the telephone to call friends and family and receive phone calls? If yes, how would that be? Should I pay for?
- Could I bring friends over?
- Will I be able to travel? How often?
- Are there universities around? Will I be able to study?

:: Sobre a Casa ::
- Do you have pets?
- Would I be responsible for them as well?
- What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
- Will au pair have her own bathroom?
- What will the au pair have in her bedroom?
- Could I have my own tv?

:: Sobre o Carro ::
- Will I have permission to use a car?
- Are there only certain times when I can use the car? Does the car have a curfew?
- Is a state driver's license required?
- Will you be driving the children sometimes as well?
- How often will I have to drive the children?
- How far?
- Will I have use of a car in your free time? Will I pay for the gas or you?"

Amigos, mais 2 perguntas que eu sugiro:
- Se existe alguma igreja da sua religião por perto, caso vc seja religioso praticante.
- Se eles são sócios de um clube ou algo do tipo que você possa frequentar. Caso a resposta seja não, pergunte se existe alguma academia de ginástica baratinha que vc possa ser freguesa. Afinal, você estará exposto a bilhões de tentações comestíveis por um ano!


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